About this Install Guide

This guide is intended to get you up and running with this tool quickly with the most common settings. For a thorough review of all options, refer to the official documentation.

Arm Performance Libraries provides developers with optimized math libraries for high performance computing applications on Arm Neoverse based hardware.

These libraries include highly optimized functions for BLAS, LAPACK, FFT, sparse linear algebra, libamath and libastring. These libraries are free to use and do not require a license. They can be installed either standalone or with your installation of Arm Compiler for Linux . This install guide covers the standalone installation.

Arm Performance Libraries are available for use on Windows 11 on Arm , macOS (Apple Silicon), and Linux (AArch64) hosts.


On your Windows 11 Arm machine, go to the Arm Performance Libraries download page . Click on the Download Windows section and download the Windows Installer: arm-performance-libraries_<version>_Windows.msi

Double click to open this file and start the Arm Performance Libraries Setup Wizard.

Image Alt Text:win_wizard00 #left

Read and accept the End-User License Agreement by clicking the checkbox ‘I accept the terms of this License Agreement’.

Image Alt Text:win_wizard01 #left

Select a location for the installation on your system. The default is:

C:\Program Files\Arm Performance Libraries

Image Alt Text:win_wizard02 #left

Click ‘Install’ and then ‘Finish’ to complete the installation.

Image Alt Text:win_wizard03 #left

Image Alt Text:win_wizard04 #left

You can now start linking your application to the Arm Performance libraries on your Windows on Arm device. Follow the examples in the included RELEASE_NOTES file of your extracted installation directory to get started.

For more information refer to Get started with Arm Performance Libraries .


Download the appropriate package for your macOS distribution.

In a terminal, run the command shown below to download the macOS package:


wget https://developer.arm.com/-/media/Files/downloads/hpc/arm-performance-libraries/24-10/macos/arm-performance-libraries_24.10_macOS.tgz


Use tar to extract the file:


tar zxvf arm-performance-libraries_24.10_macOS.tgz


Output of above command:




Mount the disk image by running from a terminal:


hdiutil attach armpl_24.10_flang-new_clang_19.dmg


Now run the installation script as a superuser:


/Volumes/armpl_24.10_flang-new_clang_19_installer/armpl_24.10_flang-new_clang_19_install.sh -y


Using this command you automatically accept the End User License Agreement and the packages are installed to the /opt/arm directory. If you want to change the installation directory location use the --install_dir option with the script and provide the desired directory location.

To get started, compile and test the examples included in the /opt/arm/<armpl_dir>/examples/, or <install_dir>/<armpl_dir>/examples/ directory, if you have installed to a different location than the default.

For more information refer to Get started with Arm Performance Libraries .


Arm Performance Libraries are supported on most Linux Distributions like Ubuntu, RHEL, SLES and Amazon Linux on an AArch64 host and compatible with various versions of GCC and NVHPC. The GCC compatible releases are built with GCC 14 and tested with GCC versions 7 to 14. The NVHPC compatible releases are built and tested with NVHPC 24.7.

Download the appropriate package for your Linux distribution. The deb based installers can be used on Ubuntu 20 and Ubuntu 22. The RPM based installers can be used on the following supported distributions:

  • Amazon Linux 2, Amazon Linux 2023
  • RHEL-8, RHEL-9
  • SLES-15 Service Packs 5 and 6

The instructions shown below are for deb based installers for GCC users.

In a terminal, run the command shown below to download the debian package:


wget https://developer.arm.com/-/cdn-downloads/permalink/Arm-Performance-Libraries/Version_24.10/arm-performance-libraries_24.10_deb_gcc.tar


Use tar to extract the file and then change directory:


tar -xf arm-performance-libraries_24.10_deb_gcc.tar


Run the installation script as a super user:


sudo ./arm-performance-libraries_24.10_deb/arm-performance-libraries_24.10_deb.sh --accept


Using the --accept switch you automatically accept the End User License Agreement and the packages are installed to the /opt/arm directory.

If you want to change the installation directory location use the --install-to option with the script and provide the desired directory location.

Setup your environment

Install environment modules on your machine:


sudo apt install environment-modules


Set your bash environment to use modules:


source /usr/share/modules/init/bash


Set the MODULEPATH environment variable to point to the location of the installed modulefiles for Arm Performance Libraries:


export MODULEPATH=$MODULEPATH:/opt/arm/modulefiles


List the available modules:


module avail


The output should be similar to:




Load the appropriate module:


module load armpl/24.10.0_gcc


You can now compile and test the examples included in the /opt/arm/<armpl_dir>/examples/, or <install_dir>/<armpl_dir>/examples/ directory, if you have installed to a different location than the default.

For more information refer to Get started with Arm Performance Libraries .

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