About this Install Guide

This guide is intended to get you up and running with this tool quickly with the most common settings. For a thorough review of all options, refer to the official documentation.

Arm AMBA Viz is a tool to visualize AMBA events to accelerate SoC verification. This guide is for SoC verification and validation engineers to efficiently analyze hardware signals in their designs.

A detailed overview of functionality is described in Introduction to AMBA Viz .

Download installer packages

AMBA Viz is a component of Arm Hardware Success Kits .

It is available to download at the Arm Product Download Hub .

You can download AMBA Viz as an individual component, or you can download complete Success Kits.

For more information on the Download Hub, refer to the Arm Product Download Hub install guide .


AMBA Viz requires a Linux host machine with Java 11 or JavaFX.

Extract the software from the bundle to the desired install location. For example:


            tar -xf ambaviz.tar.gz

Navigate to the newly-created ambaviz-<version> folder, and run the following script to set up environment variables:



            source sourceMe.sh




The AMBA Viz Release Notes provide full installation instructions, located in the extracted directory at:



Set up the product license

AMBA Viz is license-managed. A Hardware Success Kit license is necessary.

License set up instructions are available in the Arm License install guide .

Get started

Typically, AMBA Viz is launched with a waveform file:


            ambaviz -f <waveform_file>

A proprietary AVDB waveform format is recommended to improve the performance of AMBA Viz.

To convert VCD or FSDB files to this format, use the wave2avdb script, for example:


            wave2avdb -d cmn600 -f waves.vcd -o waves.avdb

The User Guide provides full usage instructions, located in the extracted directory at:




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